If you’re an Australian resident over 18, you are probably contributing to superannuation.
Regulators strictly regulate super as a tax-effective way for you to put aside money for your retirement. Government sets minimum contribution, calculated from income by an employer and paid into your nominated super fund. Motivate yourself to contribute money to your super as well as your employer’s payments.
Government policy, changing lifestyles, and longer life expectancies drive regular revision of the Australian superannuation structure and guidelines. The result is a very confusing super system.
You probably have a basic understanding of how super works: you put money in and leave it there until you retire, right? But you also know it is more complex than that.
It’s your money after all, so take our quiz and find out exactly how much you know about building your retirement fund.
Don’t wait any longer to take the first step towards financial freedom. There’s no risk involved with a cost and obligation-free appointment, just the potential for huge rewards.
Give us a chance to help you achieve your financial dreams. Book now and let’s get started: https://bit.ly/your-right-choice